About Us
Liberty Unity Organization Life Global Foundation Australia (LUOLGFA) is a non profit organization registered in Australia. We provide services to Luo people in Wau and Aweil in the Republic of South Sudan. Liberty Unity Organization Life Global Foundation Australia Incorporated is endorsed by ATO as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR.) Therefore your donations are tax deductible.

Our Vision
We strive to promote unity, self reliance, proper education and health awareness for the Luo people of the Republic of South Sudan. We stand for peaceful coexistence, respect for one another and our boundaries. We say no to hunger, vulnerability, poverty and division, Together, Luo strong and united for generations to come.
Our Mission
Improve lives of Luo community members of the Republic of South Sudan all over the world.
Promote unity and self reliance through education and farming for the Luo people of South Sudan
Alleviate poverty and distress in the community of Luo in South Sudan.
Fight hunger through agriculture, help facilitate education and health awareness for the Luo people.
The Foundation will also support all other tribes that collectively make up the Republic of South Sudan by educating more locals on better farming methods, provide seeds and tools to ensure food security.
Promote adult education and assist with orphanage sponsorships
LUOLGFA is your platform aimed at improving lives of Luo community members from around the world together with the other communities that make up South Sudan. We encourage and support our people wherever they are in the world. The foundation will also support the following:
Education, sponsorship, training and orphanage scholarships
Support women and establish adult education for young women and men who drop out early from school
Help people in dire need of services such as hospitals, clean water, and basic food items.
Help develop and sponsor programs that reduce poverty by sponsoring local farmers in South Sudan, or wherever South Sudanese live such as refugee camps.
Work together with other non-profit organizations in South Sudan, and in other countries interested in our objectives of helping vulnerable people.
Fundraising through grants and donations to support our projects
Work with different agencies and government for the purpose of Luo life global foundation Australia
The foundation accepts donations from well wishers, donors and friends of the organization.
Your donations are tax deductible as LUOLGFA is a recognized Deductible Gift Recipients ( DGR) as endorsed and covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.